Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Preston's New Glasses

Preston’s New Glasses

I am happy to announce that Preston looks like he is adjusting well to his new glasses. That is such a relief! Now let’s see if he does ok with his reading in school. He does get a little extra help with reading at school, so I will know soon enough.
I am noticing that his eye right now is not wandering outward as much.

I wanted to post a letter that I had received from Angie. She also explains that she too has been going through some tuff times and shares her thoughts, and looking forward to seeing my books in print.

I have been following yours and Preston's story since it began. You guys have always held a special place in my heart since we were neighbors many years ago and Preston and Paige were just newborn babies! It's sort of interesting to me that both our kids ended up with Amblyopia! I didn't even realize you were writing books for children until I read it in your blog, and I have to say, I am so excited to get my hands on a copy!! Paige continues to "patch" every day for 4 hours and for 6 hours on the weekends. We are being as aggressive as we can so hopefully we can cure her amblyopia and send her into adolescence without glasses. I especially want to read your books to her because just in recent months she has become more self conscious of herself. She recently told me that she didn't like the way she looks in her glasses, and she never wants to wear her eye patch out in public. I am so proud of you for taking the inactive to write these books. I know they will benefit kids like your Preston and my Paige and so many other kids out there that suffer from this diagnosis. I also know that it will bring the much needed awareness to the diagnosis! Please let me know when I can get my hands on a copy of your book! And in the mean time, we should get together and let Paige and Preston be real life Patch Buddies!
Love ya lots, Angie

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Our dog Beau

Our dog Beau
Preston's eye patch buddy

Preston and his eye Doctor

Preston and his eye Doctor
Eye Exam

Preston and Beau Eye Patching

Preston and Beau Eye Patching
Eye Patch Buddies