Monday, October 20, 2008

Forward letter from Dr. DeSantis

Amblyopia is the leading cause of blindness in children. It is one hundred percent treatable with early detection and intervention. Successful intervention often depends on patching or occlusion of the better eye. By bringing awareness, understanding, and community support for amblyopia and its treatment, Carmen Swick’s books will hopefully help children to accept their own patches or encourage support of one another to patch faithfully when necessary, thus helping to improve amblyopia outcomes. I applaud Ms. Swick’s efforts to this end and congratulate her son Preston for being an inspiration to his mother and to children who are faced with amblyopia themselves or in a friend or family member.

Dr. Diana DeSantis

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Our dog Beau

Our dog Beau
Preston's eye patch buddy

Preston and his eye Doctor

Preston and his eye Doctor
Eye Exam

Preston and Beau Eye Patching

Preston and Beau Eye Patching
Eye Patch Buddies