Friday, August 1, 2014

August is Amblyopia Awareness Month

As part of Children's eye and safety month, August is also Amblyopia Awareness Month. What is Amblyopia? According to the American Optometric Association, Ambloyopia (or lazy eye) is the loss or lack of development of vision in an eye that is unrelated to any eye health problem. The brain, for some reason, does not acknowledge the images seen by the amblyopic eye. Reduced vision due to amblyopia is not correctable with lenses alone. Amblyopia typically occurs in children before the age of 8, so it is imperative to have your child tested. As you get your Children ready for school, dont forget to take them in for eye exams. Should be done every year!

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Our dog Beau

Our dog Beau
Preston's eye patch buddy

Preston and his eye Doctor

Preston and his eye Doctor
Eye Exam

Preston and Beau Eye Patching

Preston and Beau Eye Patching
Eye Patch Buddies