Monday, December 12, 2011

12 workdays of Christmas for Books

Deb Jones Parker: Check out Day 3 of the 12 workdays of Christmas for Books. Today is all about the kiddos with local author Carmen Swick, and her book Patch Land Adventures Book One Fishing with Grandpa. Little Preston and his dog Beau both wear eye patches due to an eye disease, but they persevere and continue to enjoy what they love to fishing. In Patch Land they do all sorts of things and enjoy many adventures. This is a feel good book that also helps to teach tolerance for those who may be facing challenges that we may not understand, but we can if we just take the time to try. Thanks Carmen!

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Our dog Beau

Our dog Beau
Preston's eye patch buddy

Preston and his eye Doctor

Preston and his eye Doctor
Eye Exam

Preston and Beau Eye Patching

Preston and Beau Eye Patching
Eye Patch Buddies