Preston Get’s New Glasses
Today was a beautiful Colorado sunny day. You could not beat the temperature for January in the 50’s.
Preston had to take his basketball pictures today. He was really excited to take them. I in other hand dread going, because it is always so crowded to many people at the same time and I can’t wait to get out. After we were done we needed to go get Preston his new glasses with new prescription.
Like I said earlier we go so often that when we walk in the door they say hi Preston ready to get some new glasses.
We really do like the manager she is always so pleasant and makes us feel at ease.
Yorkk decided to get insurance on both pair of his glass, since we have been going in every 4 months having to get new lenses.
Preston tried them on and when he did he did not like it. He said everyone’s heads look smaller. Will they probably do? The doctor had to lower his prescription because his left eye started to wander out. She also lowered it on his previous appointment for the same reason. Since his eye still continued to go out ward he was sporting a couple of new pair of glasses.
The manager got Prestons glasses to fit him and he wore one pair home. When he got home he took of the glasses and asked for his old pair. Poor guy he has to really work hard now to get his eyes to focus. I had a little talk with him and so did Yorkk. We explained to him that it would take some time for his eyes to get adjusted and for his eyes to focus and work together.
I will see how he does with them on Sunday. He might have to wear them for a couple of hours and give his eyes a break and put them back on again. If I see Preston really struggling I will call his Doctor and let her know what is going on. Maybe she can change it to a little bit stronger. I just don’t want to see him struggling to read. He already asked me that question.
Mom what if I can’t see the letters when I try to read. I told him not to worry about it; we would both work at it and make sure that you will be able to see the letters.
Preston knows that if there is an issue I will make sure we take care of it together and not to worry. We will know soon enough.
I do have to say Preston looks very cute in his new glasses.
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